Jul 29, 2020 | Products, Solutions
Office, classroom, and healthcare solutions design trends are moving toward focusing on supporting the productivity and wellbeing of the employees, students, doctors, and patients that utilize the space. Employers and teachers have recognized that you cannot merely... Jul 6, 2020 | Furniture, Products, Solutions
Is working from home the future of business? Many of us are asking ourselves this very question. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, plenty of people were already working from home 100% of the time or at least part of the time. When many businesses chose to send employees... Apr 15, 2020 | Furniture, Products, Solutions
If you’re reading this during the workday, there is a good chance you’re working at a standing desk. If not, you might be wishing you were, especially if you’re working from home! One of the fastest growing workplace and home office solutions are standing desks and...